From the popular 24-hour gay radio station comes Allen's World Radio Show. From topics of the day, crazy call ins, contests and drawings - this show has it all for the GLBT community

Thursday, January 26, 2006

GAY SUPER HEREOS CARTOON (You have to see this)

From the wacked-out mind of Allen's World Radio Show comes a new cartoon for the gay community. Based on the telephone call-in characters from Allen's World, this gay super hero crew is out to conquer straight evil.
This movie trailer introduces you to this gang of velvet pansies whose sole purpose in life is to defend gays and lesbians of wrong doing. Each week they meet at the bowling alley to discuss (over beer) what right-wing maniac they need to address.
Most of the time, the way the group handles problems is so rediculous, they usually blame the mishaps on the beer they drank at the goals & objectives meeting. This cartoon has been reviewed as "Gay South Park", "Gay Trailer Trash", "Finally an insult to the straight community".

Thursday, January 19, 2006


There's a lot going on at PNN Radio and Proud Television. Allen Edwards, from Allen's World Radio Show, tells all about it. This episode you'll learn about the expansion of PNN, the relocation and new shows. You'll hear about the four year project that is coming to an end and how Pepper MaShay is hosting a new show. All this and a lot more on this episode of PNN Updates.